Friday, July 29, 2011

The One-Eyed Doe

A Doe had had the misfortune to lose one of her eyes, and could not see any one approaching her on that side. So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cliff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land. By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land, and often escaped by this means. But the hunters found out that she was blind of one eye, and hiring a boat rowed under the cliff where she used to feed and shot her from the sea.

"You cannot escape your fate."

My words:
We are all born for a purpose. We are already given labels and we just need to do our part. Yes, we are free to do what we want to do but, we can't say no to what we NEED to do. No matter how many crossroads in life you take, you will end up in your destined ending. Just like dying, no matter how much you pay for medicines and operations to save your life, it's worthless, you still die.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool blog you have created here! I had a great time reading your posts. May you continue posting...
