Saturday, August 6, 2011

Frog in a Milk-Pail

A frog was hopping around a farmyard, when it decided to investigate the barn. Being somewhat careless, and maybe a little too curious, he ended up falling into a pail half-filled with fresh milk.

As he swam about attempting to reach the top of the pail, he found that the sides of the pail were too high and steep to reach.
He tried to stretch his back legs to push off the bottom of the pail but found it too deep.But this frog was determined not to give up, and he continued to struggle.He kicked and squirmed and kicked and squirmed, until at last, all his churning about in the milk had turned the milk into a big hunk of butter.The butter was now solid enough for him to climb onto and get out of the pail!

Moral: Never Give Up!

My words:
Our life is a roller coaster ride.  It is full of twists and turns. There are times that we want to go down and throw up. If you get what I mean, hehe. Life is also just like a sea, there are times that the waves are calm but there are times that it's stormy. Life gives us lots of problems but let's never lose hope.  Every problem has it's own solution. Let's face every challenge with a big smile and come up with a great fighting strategy.

1 comment:

  1. reflections are very well explained..indeed, life is like a roller coaster so live with your words here..keep the fire burning..
